La Comunidad Hebrea de
La Memoria
y la Historia
A book by Margalit Bejarano
Based on oral histories, and
substantiated by research, the book recounts the collective memories
of Cuban Jews from the beginning of the century until the Castro
revolution. The main subjects are: Immigration and economic adjustment;
organizational patterns; the Holocaust refugees (including the
St. Louis affair); the struggle for the establishment of the State
of Israel (attitudes of Cuban politicians and participation of
Cuban Jewish youth in the War of Liberation); the years of economic
and communal prosperity under Batista; and the trauma of the Castro
Comunidad Hebrea de Cuba"
is available only in Spanish
Hard cover, 276 pages, including
photos and appendices.
The Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry
Hebrew University, 1996
Books should be ordered from:
Sephardic Congregation of Florida
1200 Normandy Drive
Miami Beach, Fl. 33141
Al: Departamento de Biblioteca
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