Cuban Church promotes reawakening
copyright: The Associated Press, November 1997
Posted by CubaNet
HAVANA (AP) - Like a schoolteacher
explaining the intricacies of cursive writing, the Roman Catholic
nun patiently demonstrated the sign of the cross to hundreds of
men, women and children.
And then you say, "Amen,''
said the bespectacled sister in a gray habit.
"Amen!'' the crowd responded
As this communist nation prepares
for Pope John Paul II's visit in January, the Roman Catholic Church
is trying to educate a highly secular society about the faith
that arrived on the island five centuries ago.
"There have been many years
of secularization, a lot of Marxist education,'' lamented Enrique
Lopez Oliva, a historian of religion in Cuba and a practicing
Roman Catholic.
Open-air Masses are being celebrated
by Cardinal Jaime Ortega, faithful are going door to door, and
catechism classes are being held for hundreds of Cubans nurtured
on the philosophies of Marx and Lenin.
"The people have forgotten
how to make the sign of the cross,'' said Daisy de Toro, a 55-year-old
physician who has carried news of the pope's visit and copies
of the Book of St. Mark to all of her neighbors.
"They have forgotten how
to pray,'' she said. "It is our job to teach them how all
over again.''
Younger people have responded
most enthusiastically, De Toro said. At her parish, nearly 500
young people show up every Saturday to study the Catholic catechism
in preparation for First Communion.
Officially atheist since the
early 1960s, Cuba's government began softening its stance on religion
in recent years. Catholics and other believers were granted permission
in 1991 to join the Communist Party.
"There has not been a change;
there is just more flexibility,'' said Caridad Diego, the party's
chief of religious affairs.
Luis Roberto Fondora, a 29-year-old
agronomist, wore a large crucifix at a recent Mass. He said he
has been Catholic his whole life, but his faith has been invigorated
by the prospect of the papal visit scheduled for Jan. 21-25.
"You can now be Catholic
and no one will think you are strange,'' he said.
The push to bring people back
to the faith of their forefathers began after communism collapsed
in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.
Cuba lost its former socialist
partners and was plunged into dire economic crisis. Struggling
for food and other goods the government once provided with Soviet
subsidies, many Cubans suddenly felt adrift.
Searching for a new moral compass,
many found it in religion: the African faiths of santeria and
palo monte, spiritism, and Roman Catholicism.
"When one does not have
faith in something it is difficult to deal with the daily problems
of everyday life in Cuba,'' said the Rev. Gabriel Torres Salazar,
parish priest at the St. Lazarus shrine outside Havana.
The trend is reflected in the
growing number of baptisms and other sacraments performed, said
Orlando Marquez, spokesman for the Archdiocese of Havana.
In the capital, a city of 2 million
people, the number of baptisms rose from 16,604 in 1987 to 33,554
in 1995. Two Sundays a month, Torres performs an average of 40
More dramatic is the increase
in weddings, First Communions and confirmations.
The number of Catholic weddings
performed in Havana jumped from 138 in 1989 to 507 in 1995. During
that same period, the number of confirmations soared from 259
to 887 and First Communions from 643 to 2,485.
Marquez said more recent figures
for Havana and the nation as a whole do not exist - reflecting
the Cuban church's still marginal role in a largely secular society.
Last year, President Fidel Castro
met the pope at the Vatican, calling the encounter "a miracle.''
In June, Cuba's government allowed the public celebration of a
Mass in front of the cathedral for the first time since the early
years of the 1959 revolution.
The state also gave the cardinal
permission to hold a dozen other Masses - most outdoors - to generate
enthusiasm for the papal visit. Hundreds show up for the gatherings,
which feature large color posters of John Paul and the revered
statue of Cuba's patron saint, the Virgin of Charity of Cobre.
"A lot of people have lost
their faith over the years,'' said Maria Ortiz, mother of two,
grandmother of 10 and great-grandmother of seven. "But things
now are getting better for the church. The faith is coming back.''
AP-NY-11-01-97 1113EST
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