Adath Israel - Cuba

Ing. Alberto Zilberstein Toruncha

Alberto Fernández Barrocas
1st Vice-President 

Lic. Salomón Susi Sarfati
2nd Vice-President

Ing. Juan Luis Rousso Altuna

Dr. Jose Zilberstein Toruncha

Yacob Berezniak Hernandez

Tec. Roberto Behar Mechulam
Vice– Treasurer

Raul Vasquez Babani

Jacobo Mizrahi Chipruth
Vice - Secretary


Dr. Pablo Corrales Susi

Daniel Asquenazí Maya

Jacobo Lipinsky Kosansky

Historical Calendar
and festivities

The Jewish festivities all have a special meaning in the history of the Jewish town, in Adath Israel celebrates it with its traditional foods and the typical simja of the Jewish soul. Either Purim where we read Esther's meguila, or sukot where we distinguish the four type of jews or in Pesaj where we eat the Matza Smurah, making of each party a memory that is engraving in our hearts. They are carried out in our synagogue activities for outstanding dates of the modern world among them: the woman's international day, where each woman of our synagogue receives a bouquet of flowers, a gift and the most important thing a recognition from all with a small but deep cultural activity. We also take place with activities of the same nature: the day of the mothers, the parents and the children. Other activities also carry out for the anniversary of independence of Israel and in recall of the 6 million Jews that were it kills of the Holocaust. 

Preparations for Pesach


Activities conducted by the women of Adath Israel
